Meet Cycas Revoluta, a beautiful houseplant also known as the Fern Palm. Originating from Japan, this majestic plant brings a touch of elegance and tropical flair to any space. With its sturdy leaves and unique crown, it adds a refreshing touch of green to your home or office. Cycas Revoluta is known for its resilience, making it an easy choice for both beginners and experienced plant lovers. Transform your indoor space into a lush oasis with this low-maintenance beauty. Cycas, also known as the Fern Palm, thrives in a location that receives partial shade or a combination of partial shade and sun. It should be watered once every 8-10 days. The ideal soil type for planting Cycas is a well-drained soil mixed with sand and peat moss. To promote healthy growth, fertilize the plant once every 2-3 months during the growing season. Use a balanced, slow-release fertilizer and follow the instructions on the package for application. Avoid over-fertilizing, as this can damage the plant. Did you know that Cycas revoluta, also known as the Sago Palm, is one of the oldest known plants on earth, with a fossil record dating back over 300 million years? This prehistoric beauty, also known as a “living fossil,” adds a touch of ancient elegance to any space. However, it is important to note that while this plant may resemble a palm tree and the seeds resemble edible sago flour, consuming any part of the Cycas revoluta can be highly toxic. So let’s let the Sago Palm fulfill its ornamental purpose and admire its enchanting presence from a safe distance!- Cycas Revoluta, commonly known as the Fern Palm, is a popular houseplant with a 17cm pot size.- This plant can reach a height of around 70cm, making it an ideal addition to both small and medium-sized spaces.- Cycas Revoluta thrives in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for different lighting conditions.- An interesting fact about Cycas Revoluta is that it is one of the oldest living seed plants, with fossil records dating back over 280 million years.- With its unique fern-like appearance and ability to withstand different environments, Cycas Revoluta is a perfect choice for plant enthusiasts and beginners alike.