Hummingbird Greens | Green plant - Succulent Crassula Ovata - green houseplant - fresh from the grower - Ø9cm

Sale price€18,99

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Want to give your interior a tough touch? Place powerhouse Ovata in a tough decorative pot and hello tough touch! With shiny leaves and sturdy stems it stands out.

Care of green plant:
Water your green plant once every three weeks. A handy tip to test whether your green plant needs water: first feel the soil to see if it feels dry. Does it feel wet? Then it is best to wait a little longer before giving it water. Place the green plant in a light spot, but not in direct sunlight.

Packaging & Delivery
Our plants are shipped directly from our nursery to you. They are packed in a specially designed shipping box, which ensures that plants and pots are not damaged during shipping.

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